Monday, June 7, 2010

School Scrapbooks for End of the Year!

Well, the time has come for me to finish up my scrapbooks, This year, I didnt have much creativity doing the books. I have 6 Books That I will post up when they are finished.
Front Cover

Page  1                                                                                                     Page   2
                         Page 3                                                                                   Page  4
Page  5                                                              Page  6

Page  7                                                                                              Page 8   
More pages to Come

Sunday, May 16, 2010

~Crafting links and Ideas~

Have an idea, tip or  link. Please post them :)  I will love to learn new ideas ..  thank you so much for your time.   Please share, use ideas and have fun!  

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kelly 45th Birthday Blog Give away

Kelly is celebrating  her  45th birthday. She is having a  birthday blog candy  give away on her site :P  Please  follow her link down below.  She has  a very   cool site. Please check it out today!

Thanks Deana  7089   :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

~The Challenge~

Are you bored  do you want to have some fun. 
Here is a challenge for you!

Create a layout
Items to use:
One button
Ribbon or any other embleshments
Must have a purple theme to it.
The word Ladiprecious or Ladibug

Mail the layout by May 24th  send an email for my address with your  layout.
 Please email me at  with your layout!

A random winner  will recieve a  prize :)    Winner will be annouced  Early June this should give enough time for me to recieve your layout:)

Please respond here so I know you did the challenge :P

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My first Baby Scrapbook

Baby Scrapbook. Completed for my Best Friend Christine.  She was a new Grandma!  So I made this book for her birthday present. Sorry  that I  didnt  keep the pictures in the same order!
Created Spring of 2010 By Deana   
Tristan Frick

Saturday, May 1, 2010

National Scrapbook Day

Happy National  Scrapbook day.  I hope we all take this time to cherish our creativity.   Spread the Word  and  share your talented  with a friend.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Organizational Tip For Challenge #14

Organizational Tip:
I have everything in small bins:P and put up in my china cabinet* well now its called my crafting cabinet* , I also use the dish pans for my storage for my punches.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Challenge # 3 With Kelly Jo

Challenge  Birthday Card                                                   Made By Deana Belt April 24, 2010
This was created  for the KellyJo  Challenge #3.  This was my first time really making cards by myself and coming up with an idea.. I hope I did ok!

Thank you Again

Don't Forget Online Crop today!

Online Crop with Kelly Jo!  Today Saturday April 24th 2010  :)

~Picture Frame~ Quick Gift Idea

Made By: Deana Belt April 23, 2010

~Picture Frame~

Do you want to give out a present to your teachers aid, Teachers, interns.  Here is a gift idea for you.  This is easy to make and fun to decorate. 

First you need to buy a picture frame, Whatever picture you want..  Than Decorate the frame using  any embelishment.  This project  took about  15min.  Quick and  easy to do.

Items  I used:
4 buttons
4 flowers
Heat tool
Picture frame
Picture~  I made a collage picture through Walgreens

~WINNERS~ from Fiskateer Blog Drawing!!!!

There are 3  lucky winners!   Thank you so much for everyone participating.  Please  send me your  address through  email. So I can mail your package to you! In addtion,  send me a color or theme that you like. I will try  by best  to fit your prize  to what you like!

Please  Don't forget to email me at  In subject note Please  put your fiskateer number and say Blog winner :).  I will mail out packages  as soon as I get all three address so I only have to make one trip to the post office:)   Thank you so much  for joining my site:)

Random Winners:
Mel        #6101
Divinity  #6688
Kelly Rose #6849

Monday, April 19, 2010


Do you like to make Candles:P 

These are really fun to make!  Sorry my desk  is not the cleanest :) 

Make a Class Quilt for the Letter Q

2008~2009~ Made By Deana Belt ~

Quilting with Felt

We had fun making our class quilt during the Letter Q. I create one class quilt every year as a souvenir. In addition, I hang it up the classroom until the end of the school year. Give this quilt about a week to create. You can have the kids decorate their own square or you can do there handprints. Make sure
you label the child’s name on it so they can see it.
 ~2007-2008~ Made By Deana Belt
Items Needed:
Felt Squares- One per child, teachers, and extras ( to make an even quilt)
Fiskar Scissors
Fabric Paint
Hot Glue Gun( Teacher use only)
Glue sticks
Buttons (please watch for choking hazards)
Any other embellishments/decorations you want to use.

If you want to be more creative, you can add a backing and sew it to give it a stitch look.

New Quilt  Created on April 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Welcome fiskateers.. I will be picking a random  winner on  April 24th. Please  leave a  message with your fiskateer  number!!!  Thank you Ladi


Just want to take this time to welcome everyone to my site :)  Feel  free to leave comments.  I am new to blogging  so please be patient.  Thank you!

